Atlantic Silk Sponge, 2.5 inch

Atlantic Silk Sponge, 2.5 inch

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Average Rating: Product Rating 5
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Our medium 2 1/2" Atlantic Silk Sponges have a soft texture and can be used for facial and body applications. They look beautiful in gift baskets.

Wholesale Pricing: [wholesale pricing info]
  each, $3.75
  Case/20, $60.00 *
  Carton/200, $550.00 * ^

*This item does not qualify for any promotional discounts.

^This item will ship separately.

Customer Ratings and Reviews

Average Rating: 5 stars  

Rating: 5 stars 5 out of 5

Reviewed By: Suzanne

Posted: Sunday, August 12, 2012

Location: North Haven, CT

Comments: This is the perfect size for traveling. It is very sturdy, so it will last a long time.

Total Number of Ratings: 1

“Your product quality and prices are absolutely superb.”

“I just wanted to write to say thank you. I have been purchasing products from your Web site for quite a while. Your product quality and prices are absolutely superb.”

Jamie Welton, Newport Beach, CA


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