AOL Spam Filtering

AOL is doing a wonderful job of filtering spam to prevent unwanted e-mail from being delivered to your mailbox. Unfortunately, this usually includes important e-mail regarding your order. There are several ways to set your account so that AOL will deliver e-mail from us. Rest assured FNWL does not condone SPAM, nevers sells e-mail addresses, and never sends bulk e-mail. Please read our Privacy Policy for more details.

In order to make changes to your Mail and Spam Controls, you will need to be signed on with either a master screen name or a screen name assigned to the General Access Age Category. A master screen name is the first screen name you created for your account or any screen name you have designated as a master screen name. For more information about master screen names and age categories, visit AOL Keyword: Parental Controls.

  1. Click the MAIL menu, then click BLOCK UNWANTED MAIL. You can also go to AOL Keyword: Mail and Spam Controls.
  2. Select the Screen Name you wish to adjust from the drop-menu at the top of the Mail and Spam Controls window.

    Note: Screen Names on a General Access category, can only adjust the their own Mail Controls. A Master Screen Name can adjust the Mail Controls of any screen name on your account.
  3. There are several ways you may set your account so you will be sure to receive e-mail from us. The different settings are described below so you can choose the right one for your needs. Next to Sender Filter, click EDIT to find these settings. We recommend the first option, Custom Sender List.
  4. Custom Sender List Option | People I Know Option | Allow Mail from All Senders

    Custom Sender List Option

    The easiest way is to add our domains to your approved list. This way is the best method since it doesn't differentiate between our different e-mail addresses, but allows any e-mail from our domains to be delivered to your inbox. To setup this option, choose the option for "Use Custom Sender List", then click on the words "Use Custom Sender List" and add our 3 domains to your custom list (being careful not to remove the others that are probably listed there like Choose Allow only the senders and domains listed below, then type in each of the domains followed by clicking add. Then click Save to save your list, save again to save your choice and save once more to return to your AOL.

    People I Know Option

    The second way is to add the addresses we use to your address book (so we are considered "People You Know".) This will put any e-mail FROM these addresses into your main mailbox. The following e-mail addresses are ones that we send e-mail FROM: - Order Receipts and any e-mails regarding your order - Our Promotional Mailing List mailings... these are usually sent once or twice a month and only to those who sign up to receive them - General information - Technical aspects of our website - Technical information about our products and their uses - Answers regarding bulk sales of our products - Employment with FNWL - Our bulk sales site

    With this option, you will need to enter EACH address into your address book. You also could miss replies to YOUR questions sent from one of our individual e-mail addresses not listed above. To set up this option, choose the option "Allow mail only from people I Know", then click Save to save your choice and save once more to return to your AOL. Be sure to add us to your address book to identify us as "People you Know".

    Allow Mail from All Senders

    While this is an option, we don't suggest you turn this option on, as it will turn off ALL spam filtering. If you wish to turn this option on, choose "Allow Mail from All Senders". Then click Save to save your choice and save once more to return to your AOL.

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