Reviewed By: Rebecca Posted: Tuesday, May 24, 2022 Location: Port Deposit, MD Comments: This is my absolute favorite fragrance oil. I use it to make air freshener sprays. I find the scent so relaxing.
Reviewed By: Marlene Posted: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 Location: Naples, FL Comments: Very nice fragrance, it makes me feel like I'm outside by the ocean.
Reviewed By: Reba Posted: Friday, May 24, 2013 Location: Union, MS Comments: nice smell but kind of weak FNWL Response: Hi Reba: Based on the other fragrance oil reviews that you've left simultaneously, it sounds like you're basing all of your reviews from simply smelling them out of the bottle. Our fragrance oils are highly concentrated. The formulation for each fragrance oil is based on the aroma achieved after proper dilution (please see our Fragrance Oils page for more info). Drawing a conclusion amd basing a review about the aroma of a fragrance oil by smelling it straight from the bottle can be highly misleading. While some fragrance oils smell incredible straight from the bottle, others simply don't until they're diluted, even those that may give the initial impression that they're weak straight from the bottle.
Reviewed By: Shauna Posted: Thursday, March 12, 2009 Location: Corunna, MI
“You have a truly WONDERFUL company!”
“You have a truly WONDERFUL company! Not only the incredible selection of marvelous products, but also the excellent people who stand behind them.. In this day and age of poor quality merchandise and apathetic customer service, it is a true delight to encounter a company with exceptional quality in both fields. I'm so glad to have wandered into your warm and very fragrant world. Thanks in advance for all of the fun I'm going to be having with your beautiful products!”
Barbara Tipton, Woodstock, IL