Reviewed By: Linda Posted: Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Location: Silver Spring, MD Comments: Beautiful scent.
Reviewed By: Deborah Posted: Friday, August 31, 2018 Location: Overland Park, KS Comments: A mild, pleasant and very beautiful scent profile. A huge favorite in any of my face and body products.
Reviewed By: Mildred Posted: Saturday, June 18, 2016 Location: West Hempstead, NY Comments: I love its woodsy scent and the fact that it's not a synthetic fragrance.
Reviewed By: Karen Posted: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Location: Comments: This fragrance oil would make a great fragrance for a beard oil. Bracing vetiver, mellow cardomom, slight mint. I don't know what primrose smells like so could not detect. This would be good to combine with a pepper or wood fragrance to make a nice beard oil.
“I placed my first order with you last week and I was impressed with the emails, the quickness of the order processing, and the fast shipping.”
“I placed my first order with you last week and I was impressed with the emails, the quickness of the order processing, and the fast shipping. It's not everyday you see that kind of service”
James & Mitzi Bennett, Hidden Creek Soap Co., Union, South Carolina